AKUALITA offers outstanding credentials in surface water hydrology, providing broad knowledge and experience for projects involving evaluation and modeling of surface and ground water systems. AKUALITA incorporates a variety of technical tools and scientific methodologies, including the development and utilization of a multitude of modeling software programs, data collection and analyses, and field investigations; as well as measurements and evaluations associated with water allocation, river system losses, gains, deliveries, and efficiencies.
We Hydrologic services include:
Flood Forecasting & Frequency Analysis
Hydrologic Modeling
Hydromodification Studies
Ice Cover & Snow Process Modeling
PMP/PMF Determination
Radar & Satellite Rainfall Estimation
Reservoir Operations & Control
Surface Water & Groundwater Interaction
Water Supply
Training will be held on 20 Desember 2021 at 08:00-16:00 WIB